/* ========================================================= // jquery.innerfade.js // datum: 2008-02-14 // firma: medienfreunde hofmann & baldes gbr // author: torsten baldes // mail: t.baldes@medienfreunde.com // web: http://medienfreunde.com // based on the work of matt oakes http://portfolio.gizone.co.uk/applications/slideshow/ // and ralf s. engelschall http://trainofthoughts.org/ * * * * $('#news').innerfade({ * animationtype: type of animation 'fade' or 'slide' (default: 'fade'), * speed: fading-/sliding-speed in milliseconds or keywords (slow, normal or fast) (default: 'normal'), * timeout: time between the fades in milliseconds (default: '2000'), * type: type of slideshow: 'sequence', 'random' or 'random_start' (default: 'sequence'), * containerheight: height of the containing element in any css-height-value (default: 'auto'), * runningclass: css-class which the container get鈥檚 applied (default: 'innerfade'), * children: optional children selector (default: null) * }); * // ========================================================= */ (function($) { $.fn.innerfade = function(options) { return this.each(function() { $.innerfade(this, options); }); }; $.innerfade = function(container, options) { var settings = { 'animationtype': 'fade', 'speed': 'normal', 'type': 'sequence', 'timeout': 2000, 'containerheight': 'auto', 'runningclass': 'innerfade', 'children': null }; if (options) $.extend(settings, options); if (settings.children === null) var elements = $(container).children(); else var elements = $(container).children(settings.children); if (elements.length > 1) { $(container).css('position', 'relative').css('height', settings.containerheight).addclass(settings.runningclass); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { $(elements[i]).css('z-index', string(elements.length-i)).css('position', 'absolute').hide(); }; if (settings.type == "sequence") { settimeout(function() { $.innerfade.next(elements, settings, 1, 0); }, settings.timeout); $(elements[0]).show(); } else if (settings.type == "random") { var last = math.floor ( math.random () * ( elements.length ) ); settimeout(function() { do { current = math.floor ( math.random ( ) * ( elements.length ) ); } while (last == current ); $.innerfade.next(elements, settings, current, last); }, settings.timeout); $(elements[last]).show(); } else if ( settings.type == 'random_start' ) { settings.type = 'sequence'; var current = math.floor ( math.random () * ( elements.length ) ); settimeout(function(){ $.innerfade.next(elements, settings, (current + 1) % elements.length, current); }, settings.timeout); $(elements[current]).show(); } else { alert('innerfade-type must either be \'sequence\', \'random\' or \'random_start\''); } } }; $.innerfade.next = function(elements, settings, current, last) { if (settings.animationtype == 'slide') { $(elements[last]).slideup(settings.speed); $(elements[current]).slidedown(settings.speed); } else if (settings.animationtype == 'fade') { $(elements[last]).fadeout(settings.speed); $(elements[current]).fadein(settings.speed, function() { removefilter($(this)[0]); }); } else alert('innerfade-animationtype must either be \'slide\' or \'fade\''); if (settings.type == "sequence") { if ((current + 1) < elements.length) { current = current + 1; last = current - 1; } else { current = 0; last = elements.length - 1; } } else if (settings.type == "random") { last = current; while (current == last) current = math.floor(math.random() * elements.length); } else alert('innerfade-type must either be \'sequence\', \'random\' or \'random_start\''); settimeout((function() { $.innerfade.next(elements, settings, current, last); }), settings.timeout); }; })(jquery); // **** remove opacity-filter in ie **** function removefilter(element) { if(element.style.removeattribute){ element.style.removeattribute('filter'); } }